Thursday, July 12, 2007

First Chapter extention 1

The novel starts on April 1st, Friday, but since it's set in 1969 it should be a Tuesday. I'd love to extend the first chapter to a week long and see more of normal Regan. :)

Some people complain that there's little description of the settings and surroundings, so when Chris comes home from work, I described the kitchen. What do you think? ;)

What I extended is in bold.

For the last three years, she had been tutor to Regan and social secretary to Chris.
Chris paused by the door to switch on the light. Gray Formica-topped counters and the polished stainless steel sink immediately reflected the dazzle from the electric light.
“Oh, the usual crock.” she sauntered to the table and began to sift messages. “Anything exciting?”


Monster-Maniac said...

Good description. It gives me a feeling of luxury, though not necessarily comfort. Do I make sense? I mean it as a compliment :)

Sofia_ said...

Of course you make sense! And I feel the same way about the luxury. :))