Sunday, July 15, 2007

About the order

I think that our blog is kind of confusing lol! When you edit my passages, you could just type your name above the text you write. I think it would be better. :))


Sofia_ said...

Are you tired, Sorlu?

Hey, what if I called you Sorlu?

Monster-Maniac said...

OK :) It's tiny, but in the lower left hand corner of the post it says Sofia_ or Monster-Maniac :)

Monster-Maniac said...

Haha, did you make that up? I'm not tired. What time is it over there? Don't let me keep you up!

Sofia_ said...

Oh yes I know. But i think it's better if you just typed your name on the passage instead of starting posts everytime I want you to edit my writing.

Guess I explained badly--hmmm

Sofia_ said...

It's just that Alice said she didn't know which posts she would read first lol. So maybe it's a little confusing to ppl.

Monster-Maniac said...

Oh, you want me to do it over yours?

Sofia_ said...

Yeah I made that up haha! It's similar to Shirley. How about Sachiko? Would you like that? :))

And I'm just a little tired, but it's okay. If you're gonna write that passage I want to be awake to read it. :DD

Monster-Maniac said...

Ooo. What about this?

Monster-Maniac said...

Now the archive is in reverse order. Does that help?

Monster-Maniac said...

Oohh, I get it now :D

Sofia_ said...

lol never mind. We can write it like we were.

Monster-Maniac said...

No no. good idea :)

Sofia_ said...

Ah ok haha. Don't you think that's better? At least we don't have to repeat the posts.

Monster-Maniac said...

Is the archive better like that? So what we did first is at the top of the list?

Sofia_ said...

Oh I didn't notice. Oh, yes, good idea too. :))

Monster-Maniac said...

Good :)

Sofia_ said...

Wait! I think your edit should be above my text. Because that's what people will read it first.

Monster-Maniac said...

should I edit the scene now? :)

Sofia_ said...

Oh SURE!! I cannot wait to read it! Hope you really want to write it, though!

Monster-Maniac said...

Really? I though that people should read yours first to see that it's mostly your work!

Monster-Maniac said...

I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to. :) I'd say "Gee Sof, I don't feel like it today" But nicer, of course :D

Sofia_ said...

Oh goodness!! You're kidding! lol! What is happening here is that , I give you the ideas for Chris and Regan's passages and you write the text yourself. So it's our work!! And what you do, is more difficult.

Monster-Maniac said...

I just puff out what you give. Honestly, I couldn't do those passages without you.

Sofia_ said...

Awww that's great! You're honest!

Sofia_ said...

I meant you're honest about, "Gee Sof, I don't feel like it today"


And you do more than puff out!! I'm so grateful that you have written those passages for me.

Sofia_ said...

And you don't have to reply now. I don't want to distract you. :)

Monster-Maniac said...

Thanks! I'm happy to help and thrilled that you like my writing. I'll post what I have so far.

Sofia_ said...

You'll become a wonderful famous write. And when you do, don't forget about me!

Sofia_ said...


Monster-Maniac said...

Aww, Never! I'll dedicate it to Blatty, Jason and you. And you get a free signed copy :D

Sofia_ said...

I'm so touched!! Dedicate it to me too?? AWW dear!!
And when I make my first movie, I'll dedicate it to you too!!

Monster-Maniac said...

You're going to make movies? I believe you! We can be a team. See you in Hollywood!